"Working with the Sgt. D's Foundation for the past two years has allowed my Fraternity to be able to assist an amazing organization in bettering our surrounding community. Sergeant D's has set forth the perfect example for all those looking to assist the families that are in need right in our back yard. Alpha Sigma Phi at Grand Valley is proud to have been able to assist Sgt. D's with there various fundraisers as they provide a perfect combination of fun and hard work to help out those in need."
Are you are a company or an individual who would like to donate your goods or services to help our worthy recipients? Do you have something of value you’d like to donate for a silent auction at our next event? Would you like to sponsor our next event? We would love to hear from you! Please use the form to the right to let us know if you’d like to help. Some common and helpful donations include:
Sgt. D’s Events are possible and as fun as they are because of our volunteers! We can always use more helping hands on the Sgt. D’s team! Best of all, as a volunteer, you will know that all of your work and effort goes toward a great cause. Volunteering is a great opportunity for students or people who do not participate in the events to pitch in and do their part! Some of the most common volunteering options include:
As a volunteer, you will receive discounted or free admission to the event you work, along with a commemorative gift and our huge appreciation and gratitude!